
Swansea University campus

All times in British Summer Time (BST). You can click on the title of each talk to view the abstract or download a complete copy of the Book of Abstracts as a pdf.

  • Registration is in the Richard Price Atrium.
  • All talks are in the Lecture theatre (G037).
    • Except Wednesday afternoon workshop held in RP122.
  • Refreshments and lunch will be served in the Atrium.
  • Poster sessions will be held in the conference room (G007).
  • We also have a work area reserved (G025/036) – please check signage.

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 (pre-conference workshops)

8:30-11:30Latent Variable Modelling  
Emily Lowthian (Swansea University) G037
14:00-16:00How to Engage the Public with (Language) Science
Sharon Unsworth (Radboud University) RP122

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

09:00-10:00Plenary 1: Gwennan Higham
Developing personal integration projects through a multilingual Welsh language provision for adult migrants
Datblygu prosiectau integreiddio personol drwy ddarpariaeth Gymraeg amlieithog i fewnfudwyr
10:00-10:30Coffee break

Carrie N. Jackson and Theres Gruter:
Whether prediction and adaptation lead to learning among beginning L2 learners

Serge Minor and Natalia Mitrofanova:
Crosslinguistic influence in child bilingual acquisition: A Visual World eye-tracking study on grammatical case and aspect processing by German-Russian and Spanish-Russian bilinguals

James Turner and Lewis Baker:
Phonological effects in predictive processing of syntax: eye-tracking evidence from L1 Mandarin speakers in the UK
12:00-13:00Lunch break (+ optional Welsh class in the lecture theatre)
13:00-14:30Poster session 1
14:30-15:30Adel Chaouch-Orozco and Fernando Martín-Villena:
Network science tools unveil the early stages of L1 lexical attrition

Wanyin Li, Bene Bassetti, and Steven Frisson:
The effects of changing the word order of collocations on L2 sentence processing: an eye-tracking study
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-17:00Trisha Thomas, Andrea Takahesu Tabori, Antje Stoehr, and Ying Xu:
The impact of bilingual language proficiency on automatic speech recognition accuracy in children

Anamaria Bentea and Theodoros Marinis:
Wh-questions in Romanian Child Heritage Speakers – Investigating the Use of Differential Object Marking and Number Agreement in Comprehension and Production
17.00-18.00Plenary 2: Holger Hopp
How Sentence Processing can support L2 Learning: Evidence from Structural Priming
Sut y gall Prosesu Brawddegau gefnogi Dysgu L2: Tystiolaeth o Breimio Strwythurol
18:30-21:00Conference dinner  

Friday, May 24th, 2024

9:00-10:00Plenary 3: Christos Pliatsikas
Bilingualism and Neuroplasticity: Taking stock and moving forward
Dwyieithrwydd a Niwroblastigedd: Ystyried a symud ymlaen
10:00-10:30Coffee break

Alex Sheehan, Doug Saddy, and Christos Pliatsikas:
Bilingualism modulates domain-general functional connectivity: insights from resting-state electroencephalogram

Chih Yeh, Caroline F. Rowland, and Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares:
How bilingualism influences language processing in the developing brain: A systematic review of the neurobiological evidence

Ioannis Iliopoulos and Claudia Felser:
Linking offline judgements and ERP responses in the L1 and L2 processing of filler-gap dependencies
12:00-13:00Lunch break (+ optional Welsh class in the lecture theatre)
13:00-14:30Poster session 2
14:30-15:30Liz Smeets:
Crosslinguistic influence can affect L1 feature representations: evidence from CLLD

Chantal van Dijk, Gerrit Jan Kootstra, and Sharon Unsworth:
Cross-linguistic priming of relative clause comprehension in English-Dutch and German-Dutch bilingual children: Evidence for cumulative priming
15:30-16.00Coffee break
16.00-17.00Ilaria Venagli, Theo Marinis, and Tanja Kupisch:
Biliteracy and L2 proficiency modulate reading strategies and reading-related skills in late L2 learners with and without dyslexia

Floor van den Berg, Raoul Buurke, Jelle Brouwer, Hanneke Loerts, Remco Knooihuizen, Martijn Bartelds, Martijn Wieling, and Merel Keijzer:
The relationship between bilingual engagement and cognitive aging in regional minority-majority language contexts: A Lifelines study
17:00-18:00Plenary 4: Sharon Unsworth
Priming cross-linguistic influence and predicting priming: Evidence from bilingual children
Preimio dylanwad trawsieithyddol a rhagfynegi preimio: Tystiolaeth gan blant dwyieithog
18:00-18:15Conference closing