How Sentence Processing can support L2 Learning: Evidence from Structural Priming
In this talk, I explore the extent to which sentence processing can support the acquisition of grammar in a second language. I review how the temporal staging of lexical and syntactic processing can enhance (or impede) learners’ abilities to extract grammatical detail from the input for learning. Moreover, sentence processing mechanisms, such as prediction, can trigger grammatical learning via priming. Finally, parsing strategies allow learners to make generalizations across different grammatical structures. Bringing together different strands of research, I will outline how typical features of (L2) sentence processing scale up to be mechanisms of language acquisition
Sut y gall Prosesu Brawddegau gefnogi Dysgu L2: Tystiolaeth o Breimio Strwythurol
Yn y sgwrs hon, rwy’n archwilio i ba raddau y gall prosesu brawddeg gefnogi caffael gramadeg mewn ail iaith. Rwy’n adolygu sut gall camau arleisiol o brosesu geirafol a chystrawennol wella (neu rwystro) gallu dysgwyr i dynnu manylion gramadegol o’r mewnbwn ar gyfer dysgu. Hefyd, mae dulliau prosesu brawddegau, megis rhagfynegi, yn gallu ysgogi dysgu gramadegol drwy gyflymu. Yn olaf, mae strategaethau dosbarthu’n galluogi dysgwyr i gyffredinoli ar draws strwythurau gramadegol gwahanol. Drwy ddod â llinynnau gwahanol o ymchwil ynghyd, byddaf yn amlinellu sut mae nodweddion cyffredin prosesu brawddeg (L2) yn datblygu i fod yn ddulliau i gaffael iaith.